Jesse Torgerson in Rochester


It has been one of the great privileges of my life to be able to work with Jesse. She is a wizard, and what she does is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. This is a rare opportunity to work in-person with a true master.

Group session — Sunday March 24th 3-5:30pm

Jesse has a limited number of 1-on-1 appointments available over the weekend. Fill out this form on this page to find out more.

To see Jesse once was like seeing my therapist for 6 months. Every time I walk out of her studio I feel 30 pounds lighter emotionally.

– Marlene Galan-Woods

The Practitioner

Jesse Torgerson has 30 years experience facilitating people in their emotional healing and personal growth throughout the U.S. and Europe.

She holds a master’s degree in counseling psychology from Antioch University and a master’s degree in spiritual psychology from the School of Spiritual Psychology in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Jesse currently lives in New Paltz, NY and travels frequently to NYC, Philadelphia & Los Angeles, CA facilitating private and group sessions. 

The Work

Dynamic breathwork is an easy-to-learn breath technique that is profoundly effective and safe for accessing and releasing physical and emotional holding patterns which inhibit breathing, creative flow and general well-being.

By bringing breath and awareness to the felt sense of the present moment, the bodymind is allowed to clear itself of deeply held tension and fear. Participants are encouraged to allow spontaneous expression, physically and emotionally, as the nervous system clears itself.

Participants can expect to experience increased well being and confidence in their inborn ability to clear themselves and thrive.